Not related to HealthCare- but I enjoyed this info-graphic about the record setting Leo Messi. In 2012 he scored the most goals in a single calendar year by a professional soccer player.
This blog post originally appeared on Diagnostic Imaging - The original post by "Many Not Satisfied with Business Analytics Reporting" by David Fuhriman, MBA, CPA This is the first part in a series analyzing the results of a survey conducted on Diagnostic Imaging regarding use of business analytics in radiology. Part I covers responses on satisfaction with current reporting practices.
Are you satisfied with your ability to analyze data from PACS or RIS?
Are you satisfied with the reporting from your billing department or billing company?
Additional interesting findings come from looking closer at those who seem dissatisfied with reporting from their RIS/PACS. Seventy percent are able to get some data from RIS/PACS, but it is time consuming. Based on many personal conversations I have had, I interpret this to mean that nearly three-fourths of RIS/PACS have at least an ability to export data to Excel, where it has to be manipulated to make the data meaningful. Seventeen percent are unable to get virtually any insight, which probably means their software offers no reporting or export capabilities. Compare the RIS/PACS answers to the responses from billing, where 34 percent get virtually no insight from their billing department or company. In coming to a conclusion on this 34 percent who get very little insight, let’s exclude the assumption that their role would not benefit from billing data — those are represented in the “not applicable” answer (17 percent) One-third of respondent then are getting virtually zero insight from billing. I interpret this high percentage of respondents who are getting virtually zero insight as a combination of a failure of billing systems and internal politics restricting the information. The 30 percent who do get a billing package, but that does not meet their needs, likely means that the billing systems are designed to capture the transactions — as do the RIS/PACS — but do a poor job of opening up the data for analysis. In the second part, I will cover why respondents do not invest in business analytics and how they could utilize better insight from the analytics. Got the following email this week. I look forward to speaking and seeing many of you at AHRA in Los Angeles next April at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel!
I am pleased to inform you that your application to speak at the AHRA 2013 Spring Conference (April 9-11, 2013 in Los Angeles, CA) has been accepted! I am in the process of putting together your speaker agreement will be in touch with you via e-mail in the next week with your session specifics. Your session has been accepted as follows: Session Title: 5 Tips for Creating Compelling Dashboards Session Date: Thursday, April 11 Start Time: 11:15am End Time: 12:15pm Below is the report for the Survey Results Part I, will post analysis link when posted on Diagnostic Imaging
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June 2013